student loan aid

New Grads: Tuition Fee Rebates Across Canada

  UPDATED Sptember 2014...

If you're a new Canadian grad searching for extra ways to pay off that student loan debt, check out Canada's provincial tuition rebate programs. Who couldn't use an extra $20,000 or $25,000?

I'll list the universal programs here - the ones most grads can obtain.

Some provinces, such as BC, only offer rebates, debt reduction or partial loan forgiveness just to small groups of people. An example recent grads working in B.C.'s civil service (the 'Pacific Leaders' program).

New! How Student Loan Aid Really Works! Q & A covers RAP, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and more!


That's right. We talk to the experts. We ask them to explain the fine print.

Okay, the fine print of student loan repayment aid rules - that sounds boring. But by learning them, you could save yourself hassle - and possibly thousands of dollars. 

That's why Student Finance 101 keeps looking for ways to explain the often-complicated student loan programs across Canada. Especially those student loan repayment programs.

Q & A for New Brunswick Student Loan Programs

 Introducing a new series (Q & A)...

In this series, Student Finance 101 talks directly with people who can explain the rules of various student loan programs in Canada.

We'll start with New Brunswick.

In some ways, New Brunswick falls in the middle of the pack, student loan-wise. This standing isn’t helped by its high interest rates.

But New Brunswick (aka NB) has two good things going for it – IF you’re already finished with school.