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'Drop the Fees' Rallies Mark Students' Day of Action
On November 5, 2008, college and university students from across Canada marched to mark the Students' Day of Action 2008.
The campaign, organized by the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), was especially active in Ontario. Thousands gathered there in 14 cities, including Toronto, Guelph, Kingston and Windsor. Speakers urged the provincial government to boost access to post-secondary education by simply dropping tuition fees.
CFS-Ontario chair Shelley Melanson told students gathered at Queen's Park outside the legislature that accessible education required less “lip service” and more "concrete action".
Illustrating the impact of soaring tuition costs, Melanson said that annual tuition was $700 when Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty attended law school. Quite a bargain, compared to $20,000 now for law school tuition at the University of Toronto!
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